Proving we give a GLAM.
What G.I.A. Can Do For You
Years of Experience
I love contributing a little something extra to clients whenever they need it. When you come to me for my services, I know you are looking for something special — and I deliver just that. For every occasion, I use high quality and long lasting makeup that will truly leave you glowing with radiance. Contact me today and get the glamorous look you've always wanted.

Personal Glam Sessions
The Look for You
Right now is the perfect time for a beauty makeover. After a session with me, you will leave feeling better, fresher, renewed, and even more attractive. I use color theory and other advanced techniques in order to give each person the look that fits them the best. Drop in so I can give you a unique look that matches your style.
Fashion Make-up
Love Your Look
Glam It All provides professional luxury beauty services for model portfolios, TV & film, music videos, publicity and other entertainment projects. When you come to me for my services, I know you are looking for something special — and I deliver just that. For every occasion, I use high quality and long lasting makeup that will truly leave you glowing with radiance.

Bridal Make-up
Impress Everyone
Looking for something bold and glamorous or soft and beautiful for your BIG day? Whether you want to simply enhance your beauty or capture a different side of yourself, We can make it happen. We’ll discuss your dream look and then bring it to life. My job is to make sure you look exactly the way you want for your special day and all related events leading up to it.
Hands-on & Virtual Classes
Everything you need to know to DIY!
Imagine having someone there to answer all of your makeup related questions. Having beauty related answers catered to you and your needs, specifically. Imagine having a platform free of judgment and criticism, where you can have YOUR makeup questions answered and needs met.

"Glamour never takes a day off"